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Thank you for visiting Wonderbloom in Sheerwater. 

We'd love to give you further information for reading at home now you have had a look around the setting and had a feel for us.


Click below to see how competitave and flexible our fees are!

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Opening Times

08:00-13:00 Morning Session

13:00-18:00 Afternoon Session 

08:00-18:00 All Day Session
We offer a 07:30 drop off, for those who request it.

*Additional charge applies

​Your children are free to arrive and leave whenever you'd like them to, we just ask you let us know your plas,  the full session remains payable however.

We are closed all UK bank holidays, the last week in August and the Christmas to New Year week. You are not charged for our closure weeks, but you are charged for the remaining bank holidays not included in this time, which is around 5 days per year, if you attend normally on these days. 


Breakfast served: 08:00
Morning Welcome Circle Time: 09:00
Adult Led Activities: 09:15
Snack time: 10:00
Outside Learning: 10:15
Adult Led Learning: 11:30


Lunch: 12:00
Rest / Quiet Activity Time 12:30


Snack: 14:00
Outside Learning: 14:15
Adult Led Learning: 15:00 
Supper: 16:00
Group Time: 16:30 
Songs & Stories: 17:00

Getting To Know You Sessions

Introductory ''getting to know you'' visits are offered the week before your child joins us for their first day. 

Settle 1: 10.00-11.00
You stay with us, meet your child's key person and tell us all about your child's schedule, likes etc. 

Settle 2:  09.30-11.30

Your child stays with us alone, has lunch and maybe a morning nap (if appropriate)


Settle 3: 11.30-14.30 
Your child stays with us alone, has lunch and a afternoon nap (if appropriate)

Those who don't nap, play in another area to continue bonding with their key person. 


We aim to do all these visits in one week so children can become accustomed to our setting quickly, with your child starting their full sessions the following or same week. If your child required further settling in visits, this is something we can accommodate and arrange. 

Key Person Approach

The key worker role is important. Research and evidence show that children thrive when their needs are met by special people that they know, trust and respect. Having a key worker who is attentive and knows the child well, will support children in their personal, social and emotional development, by allowing them to explore the world around them freely, confident their needs will be met. This bond, we aim to extend to you as parents too - working in partnership together for the best of your child.


An Example menu:

Breakfast: Toast | Cereal | Fruit


Snack AM: Seasonal Fruit


Lunch: Lentil Spaghetti Bolognaise Con Carne,served with long spaghetti and broccoli 


Snack PM: Cracker Selection


High Tea: Finger Sandwiches | Vegetable Sticks 

Image by Krista Stucchio

Registering With Us

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